Travel insurance


Travel insurance in hotel Jiřinka, including Cancellation fee insurance

Insurance conditions

Our guests can use our general contract with Kooperativa insurance company (Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s.). The company offers insurance for accidents, responsibility for damages, baggage insurance and cancellation fee insurance. It is possible to arrange the insurance only for new reservations (until 3 days after booking or paying the deposit). There are 2 options of insurance amount.

Option A

Extent of the insurance (per 1 person) Limits of settlement (in CZK)
Accident insurance  
- death as a consequence of injury 100 000
- permanent impacts of injury 200 000
Baggage insurance 30 000
- items in tent, trailer or luggage rack 3 000
Responsibility insurance 4 000 000
Insurance of unutilized travel service 10 000
Cancellation fee insurance 5 000/1 person (max 80%)

The price of option A is 22 CZK per 1 person per 1 day.


Option B

Extent of the insurance (per 1 person) Limits of settlement (in CZK)
Accident insurance  
- death as a consequence of injury 200 000
- permanent impacts of injury 400 000
Baggage insurance 50 000
- items in tent, trailer or luggage rack 3 000
Responsibility insurance 5 000 000
Insurance of unutilized travel service 15 000
Cancellation fee insurance 10 000/1 person (max 80%)

The price of option A is 27 CZK per 1 person per 1 day.


What to do if you want an insurance

  1. You can ask for an insurance during the booking of an accommodation (via our reservation department). It is neccessary to pay the insurance together with a deposit or 3 days after the payment at the latest/after booking via our websites. 
  2. Insurance sum = number of days (not nights!) * number of guests * price of the option A or B.
  3. Insured event is starting, if you must cancel your reservation and there is a cancellation fee according to cancellation policy. Every guest has to arrangee an insured event himself with an insurance company. Contact details to Kooperativa insurance company: e-mail: or tel. nr.: 957 105 105.
  4. Every insurance event has to be supported by relevant documents (from a doctor - sickness, injury, sanitary facilities - covid confirmation, etc.), which has to be delivered to the insurance company. Hotel Jiřinka will deliver a confirmation about cancellation fee that the guest was charged for and other documents needed for insurance event adjustment.
  5. The insurance company will not acknowledge cancellation reasons as: bad weather, I didn't want to go, my husband had to go to work, our car broke, etc. 
  6. The insurance company will pay out up to 80% of the cancellation fee amount (counted according to the cancellation policies of hotel Jiřinka), after the insurance event adjustment. The maximum insurance amount is 5.000,-CZK or 10.000,-CZK (per person) according to the chosen option (A or B).


Accident insurance

Accident insurance is included in the under the terms of Cancellation fee insurance (valid during the guests stay and the travel to and from the place of stay). Example: If our guest fractures his arm in our complex, it is possible to use this insurance. 
Other examples of unpleasant events that happened and unfortunately can't be avoided completely: sprained ancle on the trampoline, scratches or injuries connected to the mountain walking or cycling (outside of our compound), injuries caused by visiting attractions nearby, etc.

Insurance for damages responsibility

Insurance for damages responsibility is included in the under the terms of Cancellation fee insurance. Example: if your kids would break a window or a guest would damage hotels equipment by unskilled manipulation, it is possible to use this insurance. 
The responsibility applies on the whole time of the stay and is not limited by the boundaries of our compound. Example: if our guests knocks down bottles in a supermarket, it is possible to use this insurance. 

We wish you a great stay without accidents!

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